Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tuesdays with Dorie- Coconut Butter Thins


Le sigh
is all I'm sayin this morning.... le sigh. My tried and true ready made Gluten free flour mix failed me this week, and it really was my fault. You see I have tried Pamela's before with several cookie recipes, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. But when I was mixing the dough for the Coconut Butter Thins for TWD this week, I had a feeling in my gut. It was saying "STEP AWAY FROM THE PAMELA'S CAROLYN"... ha.

What was the result?? Well the dough looked exactly like it was supposed too, but what often happens with Pamela's and cookies is MASSIVE, MASSIVE SPREADAGE. I checked on the cookies at 8 minutes, and what did I have??? ONE GIANT COOKIE... ha ha ha ha ha. I should have taken a picture, I wish I had... that way you all could be having a good laugh with me. (and I did have a really good giggle at myself) Live and learn right???

To see what they REALLY are supposed to look like, please visit Barefoot Kitchenwitch's rockin site. She takes fabulous pictures and will have the recipe for these cookies that everyone is raving about!

** I will be redeeming myself this week. When I bomb a recipe, it hurts my frail little baker ego... so I will have to save myself in some way. he he. I am actually on the hunt for a gluten free french bread recipe for Easter. If you have seen any, send em my way!


Sabrina said...

I'm sorry it didnt work out for you! :(
Im sure your next recipe will he a success!!!

Flourchild said...

Aww Im sorry they spread..bummer..I like your cookie monster though!

Jessica said...

I'm sorry that it didn't work out, that's always disappointing! Better luck next time. I'm sure that the French bread will be a big Easter hit.

Teannah said...

Awwww! Mine had major spreadage too! So I just turned them into mini tarts!!! I bet the cookie monster would have loved it, though :)

Mermaid Sews said...

I am sure you will redeem yourself. Love the cookie monster - that made me smile.

vibi said...

Oh! no! I'm sorry they didn't turn out... pfff... I hope you try them again, for they were the best! Mmmm...

Jin Hooi said...

awww.. sorry it didn't work out for u .. ohh well.. next time ;-)

TeaLady said...

Ah, well, maybe next time. Wish you had taken a pic of the 'giant' cookie. Nuff for everyone.

Cakelaw said...

Hi Carolyn, I would have loved to see the giant cookie. Don't worry though - massive spreadge was common on this one, even among glutinous bakers.

Unknown said...

Sorry they didn't work out for you. I hate when I have disappointing results in the kitchen. On the plus side, I LOVE your cookie monster photo :)

Susan @ SGCC said...

Trust me, the spreadage was a problem encountered by the vast majority of us this week! I still think your cookies look pretty great!

Anonymous said...

Too bad it didn't work out for you!

Soy*Baby said...

Thanks for the nice comment. I'm sorry you had a failure this week. Did the giant cookie at least taste good? All the best with next weeks adventure.

Jayne said...

Oh no! That's too bad!